'Jaan Say' is touted to be a new-age crime thriller directed by debutant S Kiran Kumar. Produced by Krithi Entertainment Productions, a new banner, the film is also written by its debutant director...Continue reading
'Kotha Rangula Prapancham' is the title of an upcoming movie directed by '30 Years Industry' Prudhviraj. The comedian has cast his daughter Sreelu as the heroine. The film's teaser was released at ...Continue reading
'Meelo Okadu', starring Lion Kuppili Srinivas as the hero, is presented by Chinni Kuppili of Sri Suryanarayana Creations. The film's trailer was today unveiled at the hands of senior actor Suman, w...Continue reading
'Ghantasala The Great', directed by Ch Rama Rao, stars Krishna Chaitanya in the role of the legendary Ghantasala. Mrudula is playing Ghantasala’s wife Savithri. Produced by Phani and GV Bhask...Continue reading
'Seva Das' is an upcoming movie starring KPN Chowhan, Preethi Asrani, Bhanu Chander and Suman in the lead. The news is that the film will hit the cinemas on April 1 in Telugu, Hindi, and Banjara la...Continue reading
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