'Swa' is the title of an upcoming movie directed by Manu PV. Produced by GM Suresh, the film has Mahesh Yadlapalli, Swathi Bheemireddy, Yashwant Pendyala, Siddharth Gollapudi and Manik Reddy in lea...Continue reading
"Get ready for chaos x 3!! Here's the teaser of 'Maama Mascheendra'! All the best to Sudheer Babu and team," wrote Mahesh Babu, plugging the Teaser for the 'Hunt' actor's next movie. "This is a tri...Continue reading
In 'Maama Mascheendra', Sudheer Babu is not just an aged, gun-wielding don (Parasuram) and an obese fatso (Durga) in the film. He is also playing a DJ, a profession that has been stylized by commer...Continue reading
Sudheer Babu, who recently mesmerised audience with ‘Sammohanam’, is now coming up with yet another distinct entertainer ‘Nannu Dochukunduvate’. The first look teaser has go...Continue reading
Year 2023 saw some actors putting their best foot forward in a bid to do something new. Their intent to herald an image makeover, an unconventional hit, a sleeper hit, or anything that could be a h...Continue reading
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