'Krishna Vrinda Vihari' is hitting the cinemas on Sept 23. On Saturday, the makers released the making video of the romantic song 'Varshamlo Vennella' from the movie. Shot on Naga Shaurya and Shir...Continue reading
'Phalana Abbayi Phalana Ammayi', directed by Srinivas Avasarala, has been in the making since 2018. Shot in the UK and India prominently, the film stars Naga Shaurya and Malavika Nair in the lead. ...Continue reading
Naga Shaurya and Avika Gor starrer ‘Lakshmi Raave Maa Intiki’ which is made under the banner Giridhar Production House is going to be releasing on 5th of December. Nandyala Ravi has directed the fi...Continue reading
Upon hearing this it felt like a similar ad in the magazine of the 'bride''s parents searching for a suitable 'groom' for their daughter. But this is the name of the movie. What you heard is true. ...Continue reading
Naga Shaurya and his team of 'Krishna Vrinda Vihari' will be touring various towns in the coming days ahead of the theatrical release of the Anish R Krishna directorial on September 23. A couple o...Continue reading
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