'PSV Garuda Vega', starring Dr. Rajsekhar in the role of a counter-terrorism fighter, is gearing up for a theatrical release. Now that the film is in its post-production stages, the makers are all...Continue reading
The concept teaser from 'Balamevvadu' was out yesterday. The concept focuses on how the corporate culture has infected the health department, while they loot money from the desperate people. Dhruva...Continue reading
'Balamevvadu' is an upcoming movie that focuses on how the corporate culture has infected the health department, resulting in loot and worse. Dhruvan Katakam is the hero, the movie stars Niya Tripa...Continue reading
Director Jeevan Reddy, who’s from the school of Ram Gopal Varma is coming up with a new political thriller titled ‘Dalam’ featuring Naveen Reddy, Pia Bajpai and Kishore in lead roles. Nasser is pl...Continue reading
Teaser of Sharwanand, Mehreen Kaur Pirzada starrer film Mahanubhavudu being directed by Maruthi and bankrolled jointly by Vamshi and Pramod under UV Creations Banner was released on August 24th. Th...Continue reading
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