'Aa Okkati Adakku' will hit the cinemas on May 3. Ahead of the movie's release, its Trailer has been put out by debutant producer Rajiv Chilaka. Speaking on the occasion, Allari Naresh said that d...Continue reading
The much awaited movie ‘Laddu Babu’ starring Allari Naresh, Poorna and Bhumika in the lead roles under the banner Maharadhi Films and Tripuraneni productions is probably going to get released on 1...Continue reading
Bachchala Malli was released in theatres on December 20. Two weeks later, the film is available for streaming on three OTT platforms. The Subbu Mangadevvi directorial is streaming on Amazon Prime ...Continue reading
Allari Naresh and Sharmila have paired up for the film ‘Kevvu Keka’ which has just completed its Bangkok schedule. This full-fledged comedy entertainer is directed by Devi Prasad and produced by B...Continue reading
Allari Naresh's aim in 'Ugram' is sorted. Thousands of commoners go missing every year. What happens to them? Why are their whereabouts a secret? Can the human trafficking mafia be eliminated once ...Continue reading
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