'Merise Merise', directed by debutant Pavan Kumar K, stars Dinesh Tej of ‘Husharu’ fame and Shweta Avasthi as the lead pair. Produced by Venkatesh Kothuri of KOTHURI Entertainment...Continue reading
Tharun Bhascker of 'Pelli Choopulu' fame is currently directing a crime comedy titled 'Keedaa Cola'. The film doesn't have a hero and a heroine. Given the genre, the 'Ee Nagaraniki Emaindi' directo...Continue reading
'Anger Tales' is the title of an upcoming web original from Disney Plus Hotstar. "Four intriguing tales. One agenda: rebellion," the makers said, putting out its teaser today. Produced by Sridhar ...Continue reading
The very title 'Mem Famous' alludes to multiple characters who bond together as friends. So, a song dedicated to their friendship was most only to be expected. Except that 'Dosthulam' is not a typi...Continue reading
Tharun Bhascker shot to fame with films like Pelli Choopulu and Ee Nagarinki Emaindi. After that he acted in a film and then announced that he is back to what he loves the most, which is direction....Continue reading
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