Tarakaratna and Panchi Bora starrer ‘Yamini Chandrasekhar’ is a scientific thriller on love backdrop that shows Tarakaratna as an investigative journalist. The film is the creation of cinematogr...Continue reading
'Devineni' tells the life story of the popular political leader Devineni Nehru. 'Bejawada Simham' is its tagline. Nandamuri Taraka Ratna is playing the titular role. It's directed by Narra Siva Nag...Continue reading
'Devineni' is an upcoming movie allegedly on the saga of Devineni Nehru and Vangaveeti. The makers have clarified that the political drama will not offend any section of the audience or political s...Continue reading
‘Vijetha’ starring Tarakaratna, Swetha Basu Prasad and Racvhana Maurya in lead orles is a family drama directed by Udayabhaskar P under VMC Combines banner. The shooting part was completed wit...Continue reading
Tarakaratna’s latest film ‘Nadeeswarudu’ is presently progressing in Hyderabad. The film is being directed by Yarajaala Sreenu featuring Sheena as leading lady opposite Tarakaratna. Segu Ramesh B...Continue reading
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