'Thugs' is an upcoming action drama produced by Riya Shibu, the daughter of producer Shibu Thameens, who has to his credit films like 'ABCD', 'Puli', 'Irumugan', and 'Saamy Square'. He is known for...Continue reading
On September 2nd, the Hyderabad people will get chance to listen live, maestro Ilayaraja’s big orchestra from London and Hungary, at GMC Balayogi Indoor Stadium in Gachibowli. The live concert, Ila...Continue reading
Director Gautham Menon has reportedly roped in star heroine Nayanthara for an upcoming movie of his. Rumouredly, the untitled and yet-to-be-launched project will be originally made in Malayalam and...Continue reading
The makers of ‘Yeto Vellipoyindhi Manasu’ have reshuffled the release date. YVM previously had an August release date, but now, as per the latest reports it’s set to hit theaters this year in Nove...Continue reading
Bellamkonda Suresh, who is currently producing Ram’s ‘Kandireega’ is now planning yet another movie with him under Gautham Menon’s direction. The movie will star Samantha as leading lady opposite ...Continue reading
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