"Adventurous Journey in Search of a Divine Mystical Truth (sic)," the makers of 'Karthikeya 2' captioned while announcing the release date of the film's theatrical trailer. The trailer, which is ex...Continue reading
Young hero Nikhil Siddharth is selective of films. Unlike his contemporary heroes, Nikhil is picking different subject for each film, so that audience get a fresh feeling every time. He is in the b...Continue reading
Nikhil Siddhartha's '18 Pages', written by director Sukumar (both story and screenplay), will head to theatres on December 23. On Monday, its song 'Time Ivvu Pilla' was released. Composer Gopi Sun...Continue reading
"My Favourite Lyrics and meaning wise 'Yedurangula Vaana' song from #18Pages. Full song out on Dec 11th! (sic)," tweeted Nikhil Siddhartha, announcing the release of a new song from his upcoming mo...Continue reading
There have been double and triple blockbusters. But what is rarer than those two categories are films that achieve break-even in just three or four days. Recently, 'Bimbisara' did it with elan. The...Continue reading
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