Addala Venkat Rao, who earlier dubbed many super hit films, is now coming up with yet another dubbing film which is a Malayalam film titled ‘Pudiya Mugham’ featuring Prithviraj and Priyamani. This...Continue reading
'Kotha Rangula Prapancham' is the title of an upcoming movie directed by '30 Years Industry' Prudhviraj. The comedian has cast his daughter Sreelu as the heroine. The film's teaser was released at ...Continue reading
'Balamevvadu' is an upcoming movie that focuses on how the corporate culture has infected the health department, resulting in loot and worse. Dhruvan Katakam is the hero, the movie stars Niya Tripa...Continue reading
A sensational Malayalam film featuring Prithviraj, Mamta Mohandas and Mallika Kapoor is now being dubbed into Telugu as ‘Police Veta’. K Satyanarayana Reddy is producing the Telugu version under La...Continue reading
Pooja Film International banner is going to release a Malayalam dubbed movie titled ‘Marana Sasanam’ on November 29th. This is a box-office sensation in Malayalam. Titled ‘Masters’, the film whic...Continue reading
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