'Padmasri' is an upcoming movie directed by SS Patnaik, who has also written it. Nata Kireeti Rajendra Prasad has unveiled its posters. This is a comedy-based action-oriented horror movie, the make...Continue reading
Under hit director, Anil Ravipudi's presentation, the movie Gaali Sampath starring senior actor Rajendra Prasad and young hero Sree Vishnu, is all set for its release on 11th March. Anil Ravipudi h...Continue reading
'Gaali Sampath' is the title of a movie for which Anil Ravipudi is going to write the screenplay. Also presented by him, the film stars Sree Vishnu and Rajendra Prasad in main roles. The 'Pataas' d...Continue reading
King of comedy and Natakiriti Dr. Rajendra Prasad, who started second innings as an actor, is going ahead in the race to success with the films like ‘Jalayi’, ‘S/O Satyamurthy&rsq...Continue reading
Natakiriti Rajendra Prasad and Sara Arjun starrer fun filled family entertainer ‘Daagudumutha Dandakor’ has completed all formalities and is all set for release on May 9. Usha Kiran Movies is produ...Continue reading
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