‘Avunu-2’, a sequel to the horror-thriller ‘Avunu’ directed and produced by Ravi Babu is all set for worldwide release on April 3. We all know that in the past Ravibabu’s ‘Avunu’ clicked well at th...Continue reading
Naresh, who entered the film industry with the youthful entertainer ‘Allari’ directed by Ravi Babu and turned permanently turned his sir name as ‘Allari’ is now going to team up with the same direc...Continue reading
With Ajay Mantena of ‘Nuvvila’ fame and Jianah as lead pair ‘Entha Andamga Unnave’ is directed by S I Mahendra and produced by Gangapatnam Sridhar and Vignesh Karthik. The film has recently comp...Continue reading
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‘Entha Andamga Unnave’ is the film that tells about the love between a girl and boy living in same apartments while the two families quarrel with each other being the neighbours. The film featu...Continue reading
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