Vikram and Jagapathy Babu starrer action thriller ‘Shiva Thaandavam’ (Thaandavam in Tamil) is directed by A L Vijay. The film also features Anushka Shetty, Amy Jackson and Lakshmi Rai as leading la...Continue reading
'FCUK', starring Jagapati Babu in a prominent role, is an awaited movie. After releasing the posters featuring Jagapathi and Baby Saharshitha (who plays Chitti in the movie), the makers have reveal...Continue reading
Steven Spielberg needs no introduction for film lovers. The maker of iconic films such as "Jurassic Park", "Jaws", "Indiana Jones" etc is now coming forward with "The BFG". This movie, which has be...Continue reading
As announced earlier SriRanjithMovies released the song ‘Manasu Katha’ from FCUK (Father Chitti Uma Karthik) movie through police department by Addl. DCP Maddipati Srinivas Garu. Speaki...Continue reading
Disney + Hotstar is all set to stream 'Parampara 2' from July 21. Starring Jagapathi Babu, Naveen Chandra, and Sarath Kumar, the web series has Aakanksha Singh and Naina Ganguly in key roles. Its ...Continue reading
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