Yesteryear actress Radha’s elder daughter Karthika, who made her acting debut in Telugu with ‘Josh’ opposite Naga Chaitanya and also paired with NTR in ‘Dammu’, will now be seen as Allari Naresh’s ...Continue reading
'Ikshu' stars Ram Agnivesh in the lead. Directed by Rushika, the film is produced by Dr. Aswini Naidu. The news is that its first look was today unveiled by Allari Naresh. Speaking on the occasion...Continue reading
The teaser for Allari Naresh's 'Ugram' was today unveiled several weeks ahead of the film's theatrical release this Summer. Star hero Naga Chaitanya, who awaits the release of 'Custody', was presen...Continue reading
The first song from 'Ugram' was digitally released by Vijay Deverakonda on Sunday. Titled 'Deveri', this is a comprehensive romantic melody that has the lead pair, Allari Naresh and Mirnaa,...Continue reading
Allari Naresh and Sharwanand’s full-fledged entertainer ‘Nuvva Nena’ costarring Shriya as female lead is all set to hit the screens in 3rd week of March. Vamsikrishna Srinivas of SVK Cinemas who r...Continue reading
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