Allari Naresh’s new movie which is taking shape under Bheemaneni Srinivas Rao’s direction is a comedy entertainer on film background. It’s the remake of Tamil super hit film ‘Thamizh Padam’, a com...Continue reading
The much awaited movie ‘Laddu Babu’ starring Allari Naresh, Poorna and Bhumika in the lead roles under the banner Maharadhi Films and Tripuraneni productions is probably going to get released on 1...Continue reading
While heroes of this generation either want to be called as a mass hero or a lover boy, Allari Naresh chose a different route, we all know that. The secret of his successful career is just not bei...Continue reading
In the trailer for 'Naa Saami Ranga', Nagarjuna's Kishtaiah equates himself with a calamity. He is like a flood, threatening to sweep up anyone who comes in his way. Director Vijay Binni lets Nag s...Continue reading
Allari Naresh's aim in 'Ugram' is sorted. Thousands of commoners go missing every year. What happens to them? Why are their whereabouts a secret? Can the human trafficking mafia be eliminated once ...Continue reading
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