‘Manikarnika’ - The film based on the queen of Jhansi, is one of the most anticipated films of the year. Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut plays the titular role of the fierce warrior Ra...Continue reading
'Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya' is an upcoming movie highlighting the lifestyle and issues faced by handicrafts artisans. Directed by Vijay Kumar Badugu, it stars Anand Raj and Shravani Shetty as the lead ...Continue reading
Director Krish got his first success this year with the film Gauthamiputra Satakarni. Thereafter he announced that he will be directing Venkatesh’s 75th film. But that too does not seem like ...Continue reading
Top director S S Rajamouli will be designing Amaravathi city and this has been announced earlier. Two more directors will be joining this cause and they are Boyapati Srinivas and Krish. CM Nara ...Continue reading
NTR, which is being made as a most prestigious film in Telugu cinema industry based on the life of Viswavikhyata Nata Sarvabhouma Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao, has completed its first schedule. Navaras...Continue reading
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