'KA' is heading to theatres on October 31. The film, directed by the Sujith-Sandeep duo, is headlined by Kiran Abbavaram. The period action thriller has a commonality with Sharwanand's 'Oke Oka Jee...Continue reading
'Sreekaram', starring Sharwanand and Priyanka Arul Mohan, released in theatres on March 11. The film started streaming on OTT recently. The news is that the Kishor B directorial, coming with an in...Continue reading
The pre-release event of 'Sreekaram' was held the other day in Khammam in the presence of Megastar Chiranjeevi. The event was attended by the film's cast and crew. Speaking on the occasion, Sharwa...Continue reading
'Aadavaallu Meeku Johaarlu', starring Sharwanand, is helmed by Tirumala Kishore. The film will head to theatres on February 25. Releasing the teaser for the movie today, the makers said that the f...Continue reading
Sakshi Vaidya is currently doing a Telugu film starring Sharwanand in the lead. She has an urbane role in this Ram Abbaraju directorial. The beauty made her acting debut with the 2023 release, 'Ag...Continue reading
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