A video clip of director Prashanth Neel praying for 'Salaar' is going viral on the Internet. The other day, the 'KGF' director reportedly visited his father's grave somewhere in Karnataka. He praye...Continue reading
On Tuesday, the Delhi government announced the extreme step of totally shutting down cinema halls, multiplexes, malls, gyms and spas, among others, in Delhi. With this, the Hindi film industry has ...Continue reading
People Media Factory has announced two movies with Kannada star heroes. The banner's 47th movie will star Srii Murali of Bagheera and Ugram fame as the hero. Its 49th movie will be starring Golden ...Continue reading
Prabhas' marriage has become a national topic now and the rumours about who is going to be the 'lucky girl' are never-ending. Time and again, the 'Baahubali' star's family members have confirmed th...Continue reading
The Script Craft is the name of a website launched today by actor Prabhas. Now, what is unique about it is that it makes script-writing democratic. If you are an aspiring cinema writer/director, th...Continue reading
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