As per a police complaint lodged by a woman named Lavanya, actor Raj Tarun now faces an FIR. The Narsingi police have named him as Accused No. 1 in the FIR. His 'Tiragabadara Saami' co-star Malvi M...Continue reading
'Aha Naa Pellanta', a title with a special ring for the Telugu audience, is back in vogue. Starring Raj Tarun as a jilted groom and Shivani Rajasekhar as his heroine, it is being bankrolled by the ...Continue reading
'Power Play', starring Raj Tarun in the lead, has confirmed its release date. Directed by Konda Vijay Kumar, it will release on March 5. Produced by Mahidhar and Devesh of Vanamalee Creations, the...Continue reading
Raj Tarun’s upcoming entertainer 'Anubhavinchu Raja' is directed by Sreenu Gavireddy. The film will be released in theatres on November 26. On Monday, star actress Pooja Hegde unveiled...Continue reading
Horror extravaganza film 'Balloon' is getting ready to hit the screens in November. Crazy pair, Jai and Anjali will be seen in lead roles and Tollywood young hero Raj Tarun is playing cameo in this...Continue reading
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