Lover boy Uday Kiran’s early years of his film career were the best when he was on his way to an extraordinary film career with hattrick hit movies ‘Chitram’, ‘Nuvvu Nenu’ and ‘Manasantha Nuvve’...Continue reading
Once upon a time who was the heart throb of young girls in Andhra Pradesh, Uday Kiran is all set to test his luck once again after giving a long break. Yes, his ‘Nuvvekadunte Nenakkadunta’ is read...Continue reading
Prakash Raj ?@prakashraaj: Extremely disturbed with the news of young actor udaykiran s suicide. What was wrong young man??? Sad. Shouldn't we find reasons to LIVE pony prakashraj ?@PonyPrakashr...Continue reading
When the final curtain came down for lover boy Uday Kiran on Sunday midnight at 12.15 PM, in a house he no longer wanted to live and eventually put an end to his life, many felt that he should not ...Continue reading
Uday Kiran, the heart-throd of millions of girls a decade ago is no more. This is a shocking news to the entire industry. Uday Kiran committed suicide by hanging himself at 12.15 PM on Sunday nig...Continue reading
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