Action king Arjun, Lakshmi Rai, Kishore and Ravi Kale starrer ‘Veerappan’ is the dubbed film in Telugu which was earlier released and created sensation in Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam. AMR Rame...Continue reading
'Janata Bar' is the title of an upcoming vigilante action drama starring Raai Laxmi of 'Kanchana' fame in the lead. Scripted, directed and produced by Ramana Mogili, the film is also co-written by ...Continue reading
Lakshmi Raai starrer 'Julie 2' has sank without a trace. The film was slaughtered by the critics. Lakshmi Raai is not happy with the reviews and she says that all this is a propaganda. She voices ...Continue reading
'Janata Bar' is the title of an upcoming vigilante action drama starring Raai Laxmi of 'Kanchana' fame in the lead. Scripted, directed and produced by Ramana Mogili, the film deals with a burning i...Continue reading
Balupu movie is gathering buzz everyday. The latest sensation is that the sensuous beauty Lakshmi Rai will be making a special appearance and the rumour is that she has been signed for a whoppi...Continue reading
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