'Maama Mascheendra', starring Sudheer Babu in three roles (as a don, a fatso and a DJ), will hit the cinemas on October 6. Its pre-release event, graced by Sree Vishnu, Sharwanand and Sekhar Kammul...Continue reading
Here is an awesome update from Nani’s maiden production ‘Awe’ team. The theme song of the film will be released at 6 pm today. Robin has given musical scores for this film. This m...Continue reading
National and Nandi awards winner Indraganti Mohankrishna, who also received critical acclaims for his style of filmmaking for the movies ‘Ashta Chamma’ and ‘Golkonda High School&r...Continue reading
Indraganti Mohana Krishna, who entered into the film industry with ‘Grahanam’, is known for roping in only Telugu actors and technicians in his films. He has special love and interest o...Continue reading
Actress Eesha Rebba who has a decent following, is gearing up for a Malayalam movie. While many actresses are focusing on spending their leisure time with family during the pandemic, Eesha has chos...Continue reading
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