After the release of the trailer of ‘Julie 2’, Raai Laxmi had set the temperatures soaring. The bold and erotic thriller saw Raai Laxmi in the lead role. However, the film has performed...Continue reading
Prabhu Deva's 60th movie has him in the role of a captive who gets caught in a web of deceit and manipulation. An evil cult is helmed by the character played by Anasuya Bharadwaj. From the looks of...Continue reading
‘Rani Ranamma’ is the film which is being made in the combination of Action King Arjun, actress Lakshmi Rai and prominent director Kodi Ramakrishna. Producer R Ramachandra Raju, who has good taste,...Continue reading
'Janata Bar' is the title of an upcoming vigilante action drama starring Raai Laxmi of 'Kanchana' fame in the lead. Scripted, directed and produced by Ramana Mogili, the film deals with a burning i...Continue reading
The new film ‘Lakshmi Rai Yamakanchu’ starring Lakshmi Rai has completed the shooting and currently in post production works. Jayasree Pictures banner is producing this movie which is directed by ...Continue reading
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