Prince Mahesh Babu released the trailer of PVP' s much anticipated Kshanam today. Here is Adah Sharma' s shocking first look from the film. The curiosity around the film is very high and apparen...Continue reading
Gone is the time when auditions of actresses determined which actress will be in a film. Now their social media hype will determine if they are fit for the film or not. Kiara Advani who played a r...Continue reading
'The Kerala Story' has been boycotted in Tamil Nadu and banned in West Bengal. In TN, exhibitors pulled out of the movie voluntarily. They believed that protests might go out of control, damaging p...Continue reading
The recently released small Telugu Film Kshanam is going national - with subtitles. As of now, the film has released mostly in the two Telugu states, Karnataka and in Tamil Nadu. Now though, the fi...Continue reading
Adah Sharma is known for selecting different roles and with 1920 ,Kshanam and Heartattack she proved it. Now in her Bollywood film Commando 2 Adah will be playing a girl who hails from Vijayawad...Continue reading
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