Adah Sharma's 'Question Mark', a thriller directed by Vipra, is being produced by Gouri Krishna. The project has managed to complete the shoot despite the challenging circumstances. Shot in the jun...Continue reading
After receiving a phenomenal response for the theatrical trailer of Kshanam from Tollywood celebrities - Bollywoood critics - common audiences and friends, the team of KSHANAM has come up with some...Continue reading
Censor formality related to the romantic entertainer ‘Sarasudu’ starring Simbhu, Nayantara, Andrea Jeremiah and Adah Sharma in the lead roles, has been completed and received clean &lsq...Continue reading
Adah basking in the success of her recent super duper hit kshanam. Getting rave reviews be it directors on twitter , critics and the audience for her fabulous acting skills and transformation from ...Continue reading
Adah shares this daredevil pose hanging off the ropes from her cover shoot for THE MAN MAGAZINE and shares : " Tips to do this !! So for everyone asking ...I don't endorse trying this at home...b...Continue reading
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