Adah Sharma's 'Question Mark', a thriller directed by Vipra, is being produced by Gouri Krishna. The project has managed to complete the shoot despite the challenging circumstances. Shot in the jun...Continue reading
'Mr. Premikudu', starring Prabhu Deva, Adah Sharma, and Nikki Galrani, will be released in theatres on October 29. The film is a dubbed version of 'Charlie Chaplin-2' (Tamil). Presented by Sri Tara...Continue reading
Adah Sharma took everyone's breath away as she sashayed down the ramp for the Grand Finale of India Fashion Week held in the fashion capital Delhi. The actress who is known for her striking fash...Continue reading
Adah performance was the talk of the town at SIIMA Adah Sharma always shocks the audience with her performances. Off late she has been thrilling the audiences everytime with a new Adah. Last ...Continue reading
DVV Danaiah (Danayya) who earlier made blockbuster films with different heroes and riding high on his last suyccess with Ram Charan tej 'Nayak' is making a film with Merlapaka Gandhi as the directo...Continue reading
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