Hemanth Madhukar who recently directed ‘Vastadu Naa Raju’ featuring Vishnu and Taapsee in the lead is now venturing into a Bollywood flick titled ‘Mumbai 125 KM’ in 3 D format with high technical a...Continue reading
Jeeva, Taapsee starrer ‘Vachadu Gelichadu’ is the Telugu dubbed version of a Tamil film ‘Vandhan Vendran’ directed by R Kiran. The film has completed all its post production works and is ready for...Continue reading
The ethnic Punjabi, Taapsee Pannu wants to see her sister on the silver screen. She has a younger sister named Shagun Pannu, who is now keen on entering into films. If sources are to be considere...Continue reading
Victory Venkatesh, Srikanth, Taapsee and Madhurima starrer ‘Shadow’ that took shape in the hands of director Meher Ramesh is all set to hit screens worldwide on March 27th. Parachuri Sivarama Pras...Continue reading
Lakshmi Manchu’s forthcoming production ‘Gundello Godari’, based on four lives during 1986 floods in Godavari districts, started exactly a year ago. Anxiety grew about this film as the relase date...Continue reading
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