While hero Navdeep’s ‘Bangaru Kodipetta’ is gearing up for release in August, he is simultaneously busy with his other film titled ‘Antha Nee Maayalone’, the shooting of which is currently taking...Continue reading
The shooting of ‘Madatha Kaja’ has been completed. This Allari Naresh, Sneha Ullal starrer is being directed by Danthuluri Seetaramaraju. Srivasanth is composing the music which will be released...Continue reading
Actress Sneha Ullal sustained injuries when her fans went berserk seeing her at a promotional event on Sunday in Guntur. It became a great difficulty for the police to escort her as the crowd went...Continue reading
Cheran Tej is directing a film titled ‘Ayushman Bhava’. The film features Charan Tej, Sneha Ullal and Huzan in lead roles. ‘Nenu Local’ fame Trinadha Rao Nakkina is providin...Continue reading
Allari Naresh’s ‘Madatha Kaja’ is all set to hit screens on September 30th. The unit completed the shooting part and is brisk at post production works. Vedaraju Timber, who is producing this film...Continue reading
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