Vikram’s scientific thriller ‘Inkokkadu’ which was released on September 8, had grand openings and on this occasion, the film unit is organising success tour in Vizag on September 11. Nayantara and...Continue reading
The audio of ‘Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum’ which was scheduled to release on October 3rd, could not make it due to some technical reasons. Now the latest news says that the audio release function wi...Continue reading
Amitabh Bachchan is playing the role of Chiranjeevi's guru in the film Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy. He has joined the shooting of the film to finish some portions. We recall that Big B had participated...Continue reading
Believe it or not, Nayantara signed yet another heroine centric film, which is a supernatural thriller. This is the first time she would be seen in this genre film. It seems the actress is more co...Continue reading
'GodFather' was released on October 5. Nayanthara today said that doing the political actioner was her fortune. Describing Chiranjeevi as a powerhouse performer, the 'Sye Raa' actor stated that it...Continue reading
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