C Kalyan and Puri Jagannath have announced a new film starring Charmi kaur in the lead role, titled ‘Jyothi Lakshmi’ on Wednesday, February 4, at ‘Pishachi’ trailer launch function which was held a...Continue reading
Charmee has been in a relationship that has gone wrong. The actress says that she does not want ever to get married. She is independent and is loving every bit of it. Why get a stranger in to it an...Continue reading
Vijay Deverakonda will be turning a year older on May 9. Marking the occasion, Liger's theme lyrical video will be unveiled by director Puri Jagannadh and his team at 4 pm. The song is expected to...Continue reading
As known to all, Charmi plays a prostitute in the movie ‘Prema Oka Maikam’. The film also stars ‘Happy Days’ fame Rahul and ‘Premisthe’ fame Sharanya in key roles. Chandu of ‘Tenth Class’ and ‘Not...Continue reading
Earlier this month, Charmme Kaur tweeted that she was going to take a break from social media. She confidently asserted that Puri Connects, blighted by the failure of Vijay Deverakonda's 'Liger', w...Continue reading
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