Kajal Aggarwal was on Tuesday in Hyderabad for the inaugural of a shopping mall. On the occasion, a male fan of hers approached her on the pretext of getting a photo clicked. She welcomed him but t...Continue reading
News is that Kajal Aggarwal and Bellamkonda Sai Srinivas starrer 'Kavacham' has been postponed to February. But the makers say that there is no such delay. The film has not been pushed to February ...Continue reading
It has been five years since the release of Mahesh Babu starrer Dookudu. The film was released on 23rd September in 2011. Directed by Srinu Vaitla this film became a huge hit. It also gave the much...Continue reading
V V Vinayak’s ‘Nayak’ starring mega powerstar Ram Charan and Kajal Agarwal in the lead is produced by DVV Danayya on Universal Media banner as Production No. 6. S Radha Krishna is the presenter. ...Continue reading
The year has almost come to an end and we have search reports pouring in as to who was the highly searched star on Google. Kajal Aggarwal, the beauty of Tollywood was searched massively on the net...Continue reading
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