The trailer for 'Bhagavanth Kesari' was released on Sunday ahead of the film's grand theatrical release on October 19. Nelakonda Bhagavanth Kesari, played by Nandamuri Balakrishna, is introduced as...Continue reading
Ranarangam is the upcoming movie of Sharwanand, Kajal Aggarwal and Kalyani Priydarshan in the lead roles. The film has completed the censor formalities and got 'U/A' certificate. Written and direc...Continue reading
The leading lady for Dr Rajasekhar's film has not been finalized as yet. The makers of the film have not been able to decide on the leading lady. Kajal Agarwal's name was doing rounds, but she has ...Continue reading
Recently a comment made by Kajal on Shriya has shocked many including her co-star Karthi. This has happened during an interview in a TV channel as part of promotional event of a Tamil film ‘All In...Continue reading
Busy Kajal is touring the entire Europe in the name of shootings. Till recently she was shooting for NTR’s ‘Baadshah’ in Italy and Switzerland. Now that the schedules of ‘Baadshah’ got completed i...Continue reading
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