Deeksha character portrayed by Lakshmi Manchu in Wife Of Ram represents every woman in the modern society at certain level. Hence, the characterization and her body language has been designed to re...Continue reading
The release date of ‘Uu Kodathara Ulikki Padathara’ starring Nandamuri Balakrishna and Manoj Kumar Manchu in the lead has been fixed as August 2nd. Producer Lakshmi Manchu announced the released d...Continue reading
Jyotika, the protagonist of the Tamil film Kaatrin Mozhi completed the film in a start to finish single schedule. The film commenced shooting on 4th June and went on without a break and she complet...Continue reading
The title of the film itself is quirky! Lakshmi Manchu’s new film titled ‘ Lakshmi Bomb’ was launched at the Annapurna Studios. The title has a caption ‘From Sivakasi’. This film will be directed b...Continue reading
Swach Bharat mission initiated by our honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi has got tremendous response. Several celebrities in our country have joined the mission. According to the latest update,...Continue reading
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