KK Reddy of KK Pictures is coming out with the dubbed version of Malayalam super hit movie starring Mammootty and Charmi as lead pair. Titled ‘Iddaru Kaidheelu’, the film is a love entertainer ...Continue reading
Charmee has been in a relationship that has gone wrong. The actress says that she does not want ever to get married. She is independent and is loving every bit of it. Why get a stranger in to it an...Continue reading
'Mr. Bachchan', starring Ravi Teja in the lead, was not ready to be released in August. But a streaming giant forced the hands of the film's producer. This is rumouredly true of 'Double iSmart', to...Continue reading
Vijay Devarakonda's next, 'Fighter', directed by Puri Jagannadh, was launched this morning in Mumbai. The regular shooting of the film also starts today. Karan Johar's Dharma Movies presents...Continue reading
Charmme Kaur as the lead and as the presenter, ‘Jyothi Lakshmi’ directed by Dashing director Puri Jagannath has completed the censor formality and is all set for release worldwide on June 12. Sweth...Continue reading
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