Bollywood filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar, who is a National Award-winner, has joined hands with Tamannaah Bhatia. The film, titled 'Babli Bouncer', will feature a female-centric story filled with slic...Continue reading
'F3' is all set to hit the cinemas on May 27. As per early trade reports, the audience's enthusiasm for the movie in the Overseas market is not yet evident. Anil Ravipudi's critics have in the past...Continue reading
Tamannah replaces Hansika in the Telugu remake of ‘Vettai’ starring Naga Chaitanya and Sunil in male lead roles. While Hansika is replaced by Tamannah, the second lead actress is Andrea Jeremiah. ...Continue reading
Maharaja Ravi Teja, who mesmerizes everyone with his acting skills and stood as brand ambassador for energy, is coming up with another energetic film ‘Bengal Tiger’ and it is all set for release. M...Continue reading
Baahubali 2 is concentrating on completing the film. They want to stop all publicity activity for now. Early November there was a lot of buzz about the film. But after the recent IT raids the team ...Continue reading
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