'Liger' recently completed its shoot in Mumbai. The Vijay Deverakonda-Puri Jagannadh movie, which is a pan-India release, will head to theatres on August 25. The buzz is that the producers of the ...Continue reading
Vijay Deverakonda and Puri Jagannadh have hosted a tasty lunch for Mike Tyson, who is playing a prominent role in 'Liger'. The US schedule of the martial arts movie is on currently. When they are o...Continue reading
Charmme Kaur, one of the producers of 'Liger', has opened up on the monstrous failure of the Vijay Deverakonda-starrer. Speaking to a media house, she indicated that the audience's access to entert...Continue reading
Vijay Deverakonda’s 'Liger' is in the news for an interesting reason. The pan-India film, to be released in multiple languages and produced jointly by Dharma Productions and Puri Jagannadh, h...Continue reading
'Mr. Bachchan', starring Ravi Teja in the lead, was not ready to be released in August. But a streaming giant forced the hands of the film's producer. This is rumouredly true of 'Double iSmart', to...Continue reading
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