The duo Nikil and Swathi, who earlier worked together in 'Swami Ra Ra', paired up again for ‘Karthikeya’. This movie is being directed by Chandu Mondeti, produced by Venkata Srinivas Boggaram a...Continue reading
Lakshmi Narasimha Entertainments banner is coming out with a film titled ‘Swamy Ra Ra’. The film stars Nikhil and Swathi as lead pair and is directed by Sudhir Varma. Chakri Chirugupati is the p...Continue reading
Nikhil and Colors Swathi starrer ‘Swamy Ra Ra’ completed its 1st shooting schedule on August 7th in the surroundings of Hyderabad. The 2nd schedule began on 22nd again in Hyderabad which will cont...Continue reading
‘Swamy Ra Ra’ posters showing up Nikhil along with the dialogue “Balaheenudini balavanthudu kodithe, balavantuduni bhagavanthudu kodathadu” is attracting the public. Sudhir Varma directed this fil...Continue reading
The trailer for 'Month Of Madhu', which was unveiled the other day, has been appreciated by Netizens as a uniquely cut one. In the first half of the trailer, we see an American-born desi Madhumathi...Continue reading
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