Raj Pippala’s romantic crime story ‘Bangaru Kodipetta’ starring Navdeep and Swathi was made on comedy backdrop on Guru Films’s banner. The film starts off with a point where three different storie...Continue reading
Young hero Nikhil and Swathi starrer ‘Karthikeya’ which was released on 24th of October had grand openings and is running successfully with a hit talk. It will now successfully reach 50 days milest...Continue reading
Horror and Thriller movie genre has been picking up at pace in Tollywood. With the onset of some hits delivered in the industry, director Raaj Kiran has recently released Swathi and Naveen Chandra ...Continue reading
Lakshmi Narasimha Entertainments banner is coming out with a film titled ‘Swamy Ra Ra’. The film stars Nikhil and Swathi as lead pair and is directed by Sudhir Varma. Chakri Chirugupati is the p...Continue reading
‘Tripura’ which is being made amidst high expectations, that features Swathi in the title role, has wrapped up the talkie part. The film unit is planning to start the shooting of songs soon and it ...Continue reading
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