'Ari' is the title of an upcoming movie headlined by Anasuya Bharadwaj. The film's title logo was released at an event held in Hyderabad on Friday. Directed by V Jayashankarr of 'Paper Boy' fame, ...Continue reading
Anasuya has danced for an item number in Sai Dharam's film Winner. She has performed well with skimpy outfits that oozes loads of energy. The song was released recently. She was trolled for this, ...Continue reading
Like many actresses who put up their glamorous pictures on Twitter and Instagram, Hottie Anasuya too posts her glam pictures regularly on social media. The anchor has posted a picture of her being ...Continue reading
A few years ago, Anasuya Bharadwaj was choosing mostly meaningful roles. 'Kshanam', 'Soggade Chinni Nayana' and 'Rangasthalam' come to mind. In recent months, she has totally lost it. In a span of...Continue reading
South India’s leading motion picture company, PVP Cinema has now forayed into the realm of making realistic concept cinema. Widely known for their successful big budget ventures, PVP in association...Continue reading
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