Vijay Raghavendra and Haripriya as the main leads, ‘Ranatantra’, a romantic horror Kannada film written and directed by Aadhiram and produced by S Ramesh, was released this summer and b...Continue reading
Varun Sandesh and Hari Priya starrer ‘Abbai Class Ammai Mass’ which is directed by Koneti Sreenu and produced by Lakshman Kyadari is all set to hit screens on August 3rd. The Platinum Disc functio...Continue reading
‘Pilla Zamindaar’ starring Nani, Bindu Madhavi and Haripriya is a full-fledged entertainer being directed by Ashok G and produced by SS Bujji Babu. The shooting has been completed except for 2 son...Continue reading
Varun Sandesh and Hari Priya starrer ‘Ee Varsham Sakshiga’ is nearing completion. The last schedule is progressing in Ramoji Film City with a song shoot ‘Ee Navvu Taralle…merustundala….’. Dev Kis...Continue reading
Lakshman Cine Visions’ Production No. 2 romantic entertainer ‘Abbayi Class Ammayi Mass’ is currently in DTS mixing work. Koneti Sreenu is the director of this film. Varun Sandesh and Haripriya ar...Continue reading
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