Hero Jiiva, who reached Telugu audience with the super hit film ‘Rangam’, is playing the lead role in a psychological thriller ‘Kee’ set in the backdrop of cybercrime. Nikki...Continue reading
'Balamevvadu' is an upcoming movie that focuses on how the corporate culture has infected the health department, resulting in loot and worse. Dhruvan Katakam is the hero, the movie stars Niya Tripa...Continue reading
Entire shooting part of ‘Ninne Chusthu’ has been completed. New artists Srikanth, Nithin and Hemalatha and senior actors Suhasini, Suman and Bhanuchander in the lead roles, ‘Ninne...Continue reading
Filmmaker Ayodhya Kumar Krishnam Shetty is making a movie titled ‘Minugurulu’ by casting 40 blind children in the film. Other prominent star cast is Ashish Vidhyarthi, Suhasini Maniratnam, Raghuve...Continue reading
‘Sachin Tendulkar Kadu’ has completed all formalities and is all set to hit Telugu screens on March 13. Former Indian cricketer Venkatesh Prasad, who made his cinematic debut through Telugu-Kannada...Continue reading
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