Bollywood actress Adah Sharma, who recently made her debut in Tollywood with Nitin's hit movie Heart Attack, has been signed as the new ambassador of Godrej No.1 beauty soap. she won accolades for ...Continue reading
South India’s leading motion picture company, PVP cinema has now forayed into the realm of making realistic concept cinema. Widely known for their successful big budget ventures, PVP is joining han...Continue reading
Adah is known to be a good dancer and very energetic but every time she surprises with something innovative . In one performance she did gymnastic stunts ,in another she did belly dancing and Hoola...Continue reading
Adah Sharma the Heart Attack girl always experiments new looks. In her first movie she was seen as possessed, devil with black teeth which was a very brave role to play for a debutant. In Hea...Continue reading
Adah Sharma hands down stole focus on the red carpet on day 1 of IIFA Utsavam 2017 where she wore her mother's traditional kanjivaram silk saree that made heads turn. Adah's innocence was standing ...Continue reading
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