Nithin-Puri Jagannafh's upcoming film 'Heart Attack' completed the censor formality and ready for release on January 31. This Touring Talkies latest movie written, directed and produced by Puri Jag...Continue reading
The Teaser for 'Kalki' was released on Wednesday as the clock struck 10 hours, 10 minutes and 10 seconds. The viewers have been spellbound by the elements in the breathtaking teaser. Ancient stru...Continue reading
'The Kerala Story' has been boycotted in Tamil Nadu and banned in West Bengal. In TN, exhibitors pulled out of the movie voluntarily. They believed that protests might go out of control, damaging p...Continue reading
Adah Sharma the Heart Attack girl always experiments new looks. In her first movie she was seen as possessed, devil with black teeth which was a very brave role to play for a debutant. In Hea...Continue reading
It was earlier reported that Nani is producing a movie titled Meet Cute. This movie, directed by Nani's sister Deepthi Ganta, has caught on with decent hype. Actress Adah Sharma is all set to appe...Continue reading
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