'Power Play', starring Raj Tarun in the lead, recently started streaming on Amazon Prime. It's learned that the thriller is doing well ever since it was released on OTT. "I am receiving phone call...Continue reading
Poorna (alternatively spelled as Purnaa) has got engaged. Born as Shamna Kasim, the beauty of 'Avunu' and the recent 'Akhanda', will get married to a businessman named Shanid Asifali. He is the CEO...Continue reading
‘Mayadari Malligadu’ starring Sudheer Babu and Poorna in the lead will begin its regular shoting this 28th. Hanuma Mupparaju is making his debut as director through this film. M Revan Kumar is...Continue reading
Historical backdrop films are trending off late. Present filmmakers are showing interest on making films on the backdrop of history. Two huge and crazy films which were made based on history were r...Continue reading
Most talked film ‘Jayammu Nischayammura’ that starred Srinivasa Reddy and Poorna was released yesterday, November 25 and is running successfully with a hit talk in all areas. Despite ru...Continue reading
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