Nikesha Patel, who made her acting debut in ‘Puli’ opposite Pawan Kalyan, has been roped in by M S Raju for his forthcoming film ‘RUM’ (Ramba Urvashi Menaka). She will be sharing her screen space ...Continue reading
'Back Door', starring Poorna and Teja Tripurana, is directed by Karri Balaji. After completing the post-production works, the film is gearing up to be released soon. Recently, the film was given a ...Continue reading
'Sundari', which is a heroine-centric film Sundari, stars Poorna as the lead actor. The film will be released in theatres on August 13. A poster was today unveiled while making the announcement. W...Continue reading
After the stupendous success of Geethanjali (2014), Srinivasa Reddy is paired with RajuGariGadi (2015) fame actress Poorna to come up with a very exciting native comedy film " Jayammu Nischayammu R...Continue reading
'Power Play', starring Raj Tarun, celebrated its pre-release event ahead of its theatrical release on March 5. Here are the highlights from the event. Creative Commercials' KS Rama Rao, speaking o...Continue reading
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