The duo Nagarjuna and Ramya Krishna once again paired up for a film tentatively titled as ‘Soggade Chinni Narayana’ after 15 years. The duo was appeared in ‘Chandralekha’ which had released in 1998...Continue reading
'Puli-Meka' started streaming on ZEE5 on February 23. The eight-episode series has garnered 100 million viewing minutes, as per the makers. Starring Lavanya Tripathi, Aadi Saiumar, Goparaju Ramana...Continue reading
Manchu Vishnu and Lavanya Tripati starrer ‘Doosukelta’ which is directed by Veeru Potla and produced by Dr Manchu Mohan Babu on 24 Frames Factory banner is all set to hit theaters on October 11th. ...Continue reading
Lavanya Tripathi's latest comedy entertainer Happy Birthday, is all set for a release on July 8, it's USA Premieres on July 7th. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters List. It's Overseas release by R...Continue reading
King Nagarjuna, Ramya Krishna and Lavanya Tripathi starrer ‘Soggade Chinni Nayana’ has released on January 15 on the occasion of Sankranti. The film has got positive reviews from the audience and s...Continue reading
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