Young Talented Hero Naga Anvesh teamed up with New filmmaker Bahubali palani for his second film titled Angel which is based on the comedy, action and socio fantasy script. The film boasts an ense...Continue reading
ZEE5's upcoming Original is titled 'Vyavastha'. Helmed by Anand Ranga, the web series stars Hebbah Patel in the role of a young widow who is accused of murdering her husband. The news is that the w...Continue reading
Nanna Nenu Naa Boyfriends USA Premiers are confirmed for today Dec 15th. Releasing in 58 locations and all locations have premiere shows around 8 pm local time zones. Online ticketing is already op...Continue reading
'Andhhagdau' has turned out to be the biggest opener in the career of Raj Tarun. It's the hat-trick hit of Raj Tarun not only with AK Entertainments banner, but also with Hebah Patel. The film has ...Continue reading
'Alaa Ninnu Cheri' is the title of an upcoming movie helmed by newcomer Maresh Shivan, who is also penning the film's story, screenplay and dialogues. Dinesh Tej of 'Hushaaru' fame is fronting it. ...Continue reading
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