'Dasara' has received UA from the CBFC. The film, starring Natural Star Nani, has a running time of 156 minutes. Days after the movie's trailer was released, the film continues to excite the audie...Continue reading
It's known that Aadhi Pinisetty is playing Goli Raju, a stage artiste, in Keerthy Suresh's 'Good Luck Sakhi'. The news is that the 'Ninnu Kori' actor has completed shooting for his portions. The sp...Continue reading
‘Agent Bhairava’ that starred Vijay and Keerthy Suresh is coming to audience on July 7. The film also features Vijay, Keerthy Suresh and Jagapathi Babu in the major role. The film direc...Continue reading
Speaking on the occasion, director Venky Atluri said that he doesn't consciously confine himself to do only love stories. However, it turned out that all his three films so far have been rom-coms. ...Continue reading
Earlier on Friday, a rumour went out that Nani's 'Dasara' will be released in two parts, much like 'Pushpa' and 'KGF' in recent years. Is there an element of truth in the rumour? The answer is a b...Continue reading
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