'Heads & Tales' is an upcoming movie, that is to be aired on ZEE5, from October 22. The story penned by 'Color Photo' director Sandeep Raj, Heads & Tales is being directed by Sai Krishna En...Continue reading
Praveen Sattaru of ‘LBW” fame is directing a film titled ‘Routine Love Story’ featuring ‘Prasthanam’ fame Sandeep and Regina as lead pair. Chanakya Booneti and P Manikumar of A Working Dream Produ...Continue reading
It's known that director Sudheer Varma is currently doing a thriller titled 'Saakini-Dhaakini'. The film is being produced by Rana Daggubati in association with his father D Suresh Babu (presenter)...Continue reading
Introducing super star Krishna’s nephew Naga Sudhir Babu as hero, Vikram Raju is producing the film ‘SMS’ with a tagline ‘Siva Manasulo Shruti’ under Vega Entertainments Pvt Ltd., and Honey Bee Ent...Continue reading
After scoring success with ‘Pilla Nuvvu Leni Jeevitham’, Megastar Chiranjeevi’s nephew Sai Dharam Tej has paired up with glamorous Regina Cassandra for the film titled ‘Subramanyam For Sale’ which ...Continue reading
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