'Beast', starring Thalapathy Vijay and Pooja Hegde in the lead, will hit the cinemas on April 13. 'KGF 2' has been confirmed to hit the cinemas on the 14th. Therefore, Sun Pictures has advanced the...Continue reading
The buzz is that UV Creations and T-Series have told distributors that 'Radhe Shyam' will not be released on January 14. Like 'Roudram Ranam Rudhiram', the Prabhas-starrer stands indefinitely postp...Continue reading
When the rest of the world is gearing up for Ganesha festival, we have an actor who is going to be working on the festival day. He is shooting in Darjeeling and is shooting for the film Maharshi. ...Continue reading
Pooja Hegde, who is playing Allu Arjun's romantic interest in 'Ala Vaikunthapuramulo', has revealed what her role in the movie is. She said that she is playing Bunny's boss in the movie and the lov...Continue reading
'Radhe Shyam' was released in theatres on Friday. UV Creations, in its latest update, has thanked the audience for making the film the highest grosser outing in the post-pandemic phase. The Prabha...Continue reading
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